Academic courses and degrees
Bachelor of Science in Advertising
Credit hours: 134, GPA: 2.4, Majors: Set Design, Graphic Design, Advertising
Fall 1968 - Spring 1974: University of Texas at Austin
Fall 1968 - Spring 1969: Drama: Set Design
Fall 1969 - Fall 1970: Art: Graphic Design
Spring 1971 - Spring 1974: Advertising
Summer 1969: University of Texas at Arlington
Summer 1975: Eastfield College
Spring 1975: Richland College
Fall 1975: Richland College
Spring 1979: University of Texas at Austin
Master of Education
Credit hours: 36, GPA: 4.0, Major: Secondary Education
Summer 1979 - Spring 1982: University of North Texas
Texas Secondary Certification
Credit hours: 30, GPA: 3.9, Areas: Art and Theater
Fall 1981 - Fall 1983: University of North Texas
Doctor of Philosophy
Credit hours: 63, GPA: 3.8, Major: College Teaching
Fall 1982 - Spring 1987: University of North Texas

General Education
English Rhetoric and Composition I
English Rhetoric and Composition II
Introduction to Math
Introduction to Philosophical Inquiries
Introduction to Chemistry
Introduction to Geology
Elementary Physics
Environmental and Population Biology
United States History I
United States History II
American Government I
American Government II
Beginners Spanish I
Beginners Spanish II
Second Year Spanish I
Second Year Spanish II
American Secondary School
Adolescent in School and Society
Nature and Conditions of Learning
Secondary School Curriculum and Methods
Social Nature of Man
Multicultural Education
Human Development
Human Learning and Motivation
Curriculum Development
Improving Secondary Teaching
Research and Evaluation
Evaluation Seminar
Adolescent Development
Media in Education
Statistics I
Statistics II
Research Methods
Brain Research and Holistic Education
Social and Aesthetic Foundations of Education
Planning the Community College
Improving College Teaching
Higher Education in a Democracy
Introduction to Theater I
Introduction to Theater II
Dance I
Dance II
Training the Speaking Voice
Voice and Interpretation
Improvisation and Technique
Stage Lighting
Aesthetics of the Theater
Basic Theater Practice I
Basic Theater Practice II
Computer Science
Introduction to Computers
Computers in Education
Computer Assisted Instruction
Art and Design
Introduction to the Visual Arts
Life Drawing
Design I
Design II
Graphic Design I
Graphic Design II
Problems in Studio Design
History and Theories of Art Education
Visual Media and Materials
Contemporary Architecture
Color and Light
Design and Technology
Interior Design
Seminar in Aesthetics
Research in Art
Teaching Design Proposal
Communication Theory in Mass Media
Public Relations Principles and Practice
Principles of Marketing
Organizational Behavior and Administration
Fundamentals of Advertising
Advertising Copy and Layout
Radio and Television Advertising
Advertising Media
Advertising Campaigns
Advertising Management
Advertising and Society
Advertising Research Problems
