Watson residences before Jim was born
• To 1918/19: 1606 Madison St, Madison WI
• 1918/19 - June 1942: 2116 Monroe Ave & 2116 Fox Ave, Madison
• June 1942 - December 13, 1943: Houma Louisiana
• Dec 15, 1943 - June 7, 1946: Black Bayou, LA
• Sept 10, 1946 - Jan 17, 1949: Maplewood, Lake Charles LA
• Jan 18, 1949 - Feb 3, 1951: Parkchester Apartments, New Orleans LA
New Orleans - Jim is born
• July 27, 1950 - Aug 2, 1950: Touro Infirmary hospital
• Aug 2, 1950 - Feb 3, 1951: Parkchester Apartments, 4503 Perlita Street
• Feb 3, 1951 - Jan 25, 1952: 4730 Baccich Street house, Gentilly Terrace
• Jan 27, 1952: Tower Courts motel, Harry Hines & Loop 12
• Jan 28, 1952 - Jan 29, 1958: 6727 Woodland Drive
• Jan 30, 1958 - 2003: 6631 Orchid Lane
• Sept 1968 - May 1969: UT Prather Hall dorm
• Sept 1969 - May 1970: UT Jester Center dorm, M467
• Aug 1970 - December 1972: Sigma Chi fraternity house, 2701 Nueces
• January 1973 - May 1973: 1901 Willow Creek, #104
• May 1973 - July 1974: 4104 Ridgelea
• July 1974 - January 1979 (POBox 3025, 75221)
   Orchid Lane
   Timbercreek studio apartment, Melody & Eastridge near NWest Hwy & Skillman
   Saracen apartment, Turtle Creek at Hall
TGIFriday's Opening Team
   • May 1977: Marina del Rey (Los Angeles)
   • March 1978: Schaumburg (Chicago)
   • April 1978: Mayfield Heights (Cleveland)
   • June 1978: Ft. Lauderdale
• Spring 1979: Big white house: 909 West 22.5 Street
• May 1979 - Aug 1979: Orchid Lane
• Aug 1979 - Sept 1979: Alamo apartment, Douglas Ave at Hall/Cedar Springs
• Sept 1979 - Dec 1979: Orchid Lane
• Dec 1979 - May 1983: Timbercreek, 3 apartments;
• May 1983 - Aug 1987: Whitehurst near Skillman/LBJ, #2071
• August 1987 - June 1992: Windrush, 15th St. (Box 508, 73083)
• July 1992: Wallo house: East 7th Street
• August 1992 - May 1995: 606 West 7th house
• May 1995 - now: 424 East 4th house
New York City
• March 2004 - April 2016: Cove Club 5-S: 2 South End Avenue
• November 2018 - August 2024, Seaholm 2908, 222 West Avenue

• March 20 1946, Orange Texas: brother Bill born at Frances Lutcher Hospital
• August 26 1946, Lake Charles Louisiana: brother Steve born at St. Patrick's Hospital

Chronology of Jim's life
Trip by plane
Trip by train
Trip by bus
Trip by car
Trip by car with dogs
Electric vehicle
Charging stop
Pet event
Medical issue


House on Baccich Street New Orleans: 1950-1952 My father worked for Shell Oil in downtown New Orleans. We lived in an apartment (that has since been razed) and a white frame house (now yellow) north of the French Quarter.

Emerged at 9 pounds, 0 ounces, Touro Infirmary, New Orleans;
Doctor G. Johnson, Thursday, July 27, 10:29 - 10:42am
Named: James Robert: the two most popular baby names for 1950:

Watson is a sept (English word for a division of a family) of the Clan Buchanan. Clan origin: 1225 grant of lands on the eastern shore of Loch Lomond in Scotland to clergyman Sir Absalon of Buchanan by the Earl of Lennox.
First road trip: rode home from the hospital, August 2
First vacation trip: family went to City Park in New Orleans, August 13

Chicken pox, Febuary 8
Baptized, April 1
First step - Mom: "One step, and that's all", July 27
Madison, WI (Grandfather William Remmel died in June)
Grandfather James W Watson died, October 4 (age 72)
New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Dallas: Dad took a job with a petroleum consulting firm in Dallas

Dallas: first night at Tower Courts motel (upper right of aerial) on US 77 (Harry Hines Blvd) and Loop 12, January 27
Dallas: new house off Hillcrest, north of Northwest Hwy: 6727 Woodland Drive, January 28 (moved January 29, 1958)

Joined Preston Hollow Presbyterian Church
Halloween trick-or-treating, birthday parties
Listening to Amahl and the Night Visitors
Running the hallway loop being chased by Blackie, the family dog
Bringing the class rabbit home for the weekend
Black Bart stories in the backyard, 20 Questions, Stargazing
The naborhood gang: Cheryl Teskey, Margie Chalkley, Ed Wynn
Construction blocks
Bunk beds
Walking home for the first time from school with Margie - stopping off to watch paving of Hillcrest - worrying the parents who frantically searched for us
Adopted Blackie, first family dog

Madison, Westby; family, July 24 - August 28
Tonsils removed, November 7
Colorado Springs, Denver; family, August 27 - September 5


San Antonio; family, July 29-31

Strombecker model of Disney & Werner Von Braun Space Station
Polio shot, November 28

Rode final streetcar from Mockingbird to Oak Cliff: January
Playing in Preston Hollow Park - arts & crafts in the pavilion, swimming in the summer

Lobello's drive-in, Preston Center
Grand Canyon, Los Angeles, Knott's Berry Farm, San Francisco, Yosemite, Las Vegas; family, July 28 - August 18
At Knott's, I saw this envelope of flat card stock with models of some of the park buildings. I loved to make models and was so eager to get it home and build these. I cherished the models; set them up on Margie Chalkley's card table in their den. It inspired a lifetime of delight in designing and making models.

1st Grade: Preston Hollow Elementary School, Ms Franklin, 1st day of school in new clothes
Putting on puppet shows with Cheryl and Margie
Cub scouts
Camps: Argyle, Wisdom, I35 racetrack, tree pole shelter, Grady Spruce
Keds, and Thom McAn shoes
Candy cigarettes, Lik-M-Aid, baseball card gum, Bazooka gum
Butch wax, Brylcreem (a little dab'll do ya), Vitalis, Ipana toothpaste (Bucky Beaver)
TV test patterns and static sound that came on after the last show and the national anthem
5 channels: ABC, CBS, NBC, KWTV Local, and Educational
Howdy Doody, Davy Crockett, Disneyland (later Disney's Wonderful World of Color)
Metal strap-on roller skates

Drive in movies at NW Hwy Drive in. Playground up front. Above foto 1941 - 11 years before we moved to Dallas. Later, the back of the screen may have had a mural of a clown on an elephant bending down to brush the elephant's teeth.


Tornado from Oak Cliff along Harry Hines Exchange Center to Love Field; Dad took us onto Woodland to watch, April 2, 4:20-4:50p
Quartz Mountain/Lake Altus, Oklahoma; family, August 18-23

Birthday parties or visits to Storybook Land (April 1956-1962) and Cowboy Town (1958-1962)

2nd Grade: Preston Hollow Elementary School, Mrs. Skipping?

Each grandmother would take the train from Madison WI to Dallas to visit. To avoid downtown chaos on the other side of the tracks, we would park in the lot shown above and use a tunnel under the tracks to the ramps to each platform and on to Union Station. That same tunnel is now used to connect Union Station to the Hyatt Regency Hotel, which stands where the parking lot is in the photo.
Above right: Dad flew out of Love Field airport for many business trips. Enjoyed the new culture of flight.

Moved to Orchid Lane, Dallas: January 30 - 2003

As the family needed more space, the Watsons moved about a mile north to Orchid Lane, near Hillcrest & Royal Lane in Preston Hollow. We ate most meals at home; Mom cooked almost every day and when dad got home from work, we sat down together at the table, and if I didn't like what was on my plate I was allowed to sit there until I did. The closest we had to fast food was Youngblood's Fried Chicken, Pizza by Marco, Jack in the Box out on Forest Lane, and later, KFC. Our parents never wore jeans or had a credit card. Later, they had something called a revolving charge card, PrestoCharge and, then, PrestoCard. My parents never drove me to soccer practice. This was mostly because we had never heard of soccer. I had a bicycle that had three speeds. I never had a telephone in my room. The only phone in the house was in the hall. There was a long cord so we could take the phone into the first bedroom and have some privacy when talking to girls. Later, we got additional phones in the kitchen and in my parent's bedroom. Wanted to get the fashion, what was in style: Madras fabric: shirts and pants and thick black ribbed-sole shoes from Thom McAn (David Rosenfield had them) and I had to have them; Cole-Haan shoes at UT.
Spring Valley Country Club - driving up Preston past farmhouses, we counted the number of water wells.

North Lake - water skiing.
Boy scouts.

Playing the game of Clue - probly my favorite - it was a mind game.

Stepping into shorts and running outside to play all day long, "Time to come in, tomorrow's another day."
I built complete villages of houses and roads in the sandbox next to Doug's garage
Dinners with the family

Pebble art kits that mom and I made
Plastic building blocks that led to highways, houses, and skyscrapers

Mimosa blossoms, cool Bermuda grass, and a warm kitchen
Exploring the alleys and vacant lots, with Doug and David
Plastic model cars and balsa wood ships
Measles, April 18
Madison; family, July 27 - August 9

Madison WI. Above: Grandma Remmel: 2116 Fox Avenue. Below: Grandma Watson: 2116 Monroe Avenue

3rd Grade: George B. Dealey Elementary School:
Doug Reaves, David Lougee, David Rosenfield, Jerry Mankovsky, Alec Pridgeon, John Weinhardt, Jay Fisher, Randy McCommons, Judy Studdard, Linda Dahl
Square dancing: the music, the movements, the smiles, my red pants. I loved putting on those red pants - it was going to be a good day when I wore them. No matter what happened that day, it was going to be good. In the class where we learned to square dance, those pants were just sharp - the envy of all. Or, at least so I thought. Bright red. How can you go wrong with red pants?
Transistor radios, admiring others on the ramp after school

Walked halls and restrooms during PE
Missed PE - had to do situps by myself: farted each time, student holding my legs - we all stifled most of the laughter
Train sets: As a kid, like most kids growing up in the 1950s, I had a Lionel train set. Christmas present - with mom at Sears on Greenville Avenue - 3 plastic buildings. Could pick one on Christmas Eve, Even though, I knew there would be no surprise, I picked that one because I was so excited to build those buildings. Later, alone in Edmond in the late 1980s, I would often eat at Wyatt's Cafeteria in Bryant Square (as we had done as kids in Preston Center). After eating, I would walk next door to the Hobby Lobby store to check out the train sets. Traveled Route 66 and the Interurban route. Saw train set and realized I could develop a layout combining those two. Train shops in OKC and Dallas.

Houston, Galveston; family, July 10-12

Revell model of Space Station
4th Grade: George B. Dealey Elementary School: Mrs. Leedom?

Gunnison, Colorado Springs; family, July 22-30
5th Grade: George B. Dealey Elementary School

Cub scouts, Preston Hollow cafeteria: pinewood derby races.
Grand Saline salt mine, April 3

Scout exposition: sand painter, April 8
Camp Grady Spruce, YMCA, June 9

Civil War sites, Williamsburg, Washington DC, New York City, Wisconsin; family, July 23 - August 10
Tan Plymouth station wagon with a rear-facing third row - we loved to ride back there on road trips. Once, we put a blanket up over and behind us, blocking us from the rest of the car.
The Crying Comedian on Ed Sullivan
Six Flags over Texas opened: August 5 (not sure when our first visit was)
6th Grade: George B. Dealey Elementary School
Red measles, May 4
Aida Metropolitan Opera, with mom, May 13

Model of Buick station wagon, painted black with chrome accents, entered in the model contest at Preston Royal Toy store
Mineral Wells; family, summer
Camp Grady Spruce, summer
7th Grade: George B. Dealey Elementary School, Ms. Hollis(?)
Dick Chaplin School of Dance classes, fall
Hamsters: Gus and others, fall
S&H Green Stamps and Top Value stamps, booklets, redemption stores:

Gutenberg Printing Press: 1961-1963? Classroom model: 1990s


Dealey 7th grade, Front: Alec Pridgeon, Bob Watson, John Weinhardt, Jerry Markovsky, David Rosenfield,
   Jerry Barrett, Will Romero, Mike Jacobs, Aaron Kaufman, Jay Fisher, John Collins, Randy McCommons.
Back: Claudia Green, Priscilla Ray, Beth Painter, Dorothy Prengler, Debbie Hyde, Marcia Frost,
   Sydney Golman, Sarah Weller, Cheryl Hatch, Carol Zelzer, Sandra Pepper, Linda Dahl, Judy Studdard,
   Cecile Schoberle, Karen Miller, Susan Seal, Karen Comstock.
Dallas Theater Center teen class, summer

Camp Constantine, Boy Scouts
St. Louis, Chicago, Madison, Sunday Lake; family, August 10-26
Reaves garage: used stuff as props and a set.;Doug, Larry and I 'rehearsed' a scene. I was the woman? with a broom. and on roller skates? I broom hit Larry and Doug jumped.
Alongside garage and sidewalk: sand box, built scene with roads and a tunnel.

Fall: 8th Grade Benjamin Franklin Junior High School:
Randy McCommons, Alec Pridgeon, Guide, JFK news, football stands.
1960s radio: KLIF 1190 was downtown in a flatiron-style building with a glassed-in studio at the point. KBOX 1480 was northeast of Flagpole Hill. Contests, new releases. Beach Boys gave two sides of latest record, one to each station: 'God Only Knows' (KBOX) and 'Wouldn't It Be Nice' (KLIF).

Metal ice trays with levers
Mimeograph paper in school, sniffing the ink
Blue flashbulbs
Skateboard: customized with rubber bumper and burlap texture
Threw paper route on bicycle - sang and wrote songs while walking predawn, I got up at 4:30a every morning, on Saturday, I collected the 50 cents from my customers

Preston Forest: Minsky's record shop, Slot car raceway, A&P shopping with mom, Titche's: Boy Scout shop, record dept Sound of Music, Gary Lewis and the Playboys. Luby's Cafeteria almost every Sunday with organ music and 2 serving lines
Braces, Dr. Roark, retainer: September
Boy Scout Pack 800 at Northhaven Church, dad was a Scoutmaster
JFKennedy assassinated: November 22: the principal interrupted Mrs. Gambrell's 8th grade English class with an announcement over the PA, tears, silence, quiet hall, science room tv, tv all weekend, Sunday, dad & I went to Luby's for take-out, got home to mom at the den door telling us of Oswald's assassination

Watched the Beatles on The Ed Sullivan Show: Febuary 9 &16
Other childhood television: The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour, Laugh-In, Gary Moore Show, The Flintstones on Friday nights, Jetsons, cartoons on Saturday morning

Movies at Preston Royal Theater. Rode bikes, saw 4-D Man; John Cobb's Airway Drugs and soda fountain, toy store, barber shop, TG&Y dime store, Post Office, ice cream parlor, 7-Eleven, Marco's Pizza, hobby shop: model cars - some minor customizing Buick station wagon - black with a few chrome accents. I entered it in a contest but it was not quite slick enough - a bit clumsy in the assembling, gluing, and painting. I was disappointed.
Mom bought me a model cars at a discount store on central north of Forest - FedMart? and Sears on Greenville and Ross.
I mowed lawns for $5 and, while I was mowing, I would think about what model kit I would get with the money. Some of the yards were within walking distance of the store with the models, so I could go there straight from work and get my reward. Of course, I never saved money, I spent it as soon as I got it. But I built up quite a collection of model cars.

My parents took me to see the musical at the Music Hall in Dallas. I was only 13 years old. July 1964. Bought the soundtrack at Titche's Preston Forest.

Built tepee-style log shelter at Boy Scout troop camp, inspired by Indian lodges
Camp Constantine
Orange TX, Maplewood LA, New Orleans, Baton Rouge; mom drives, August 12-16
9th Grade: Benjamin Franklin Junior High School

Wisdom teeth removed, August 20
Mexican Folklore Dances: set designs, trip to Corsicana.

Rode bicycle to Preston Ticket Agency at about 5a to get in line for tickets to the upcoming Beatles concert.
Awakened by brothers to go to airport to see the Beatles land - we got right up to the car. September 16 or 17?

Beatlesconcert ($5 ticket), Dallas Memorial Auditorium, Friday, September 18
Randy & Jim McCommons, Alec Pridgeon
Dave Clark Five concert, December 7 ($5.90)

The Impalas: Junior High band - Bob Schlotterbeck, Randy McCommons, Rick Hopkins, me on the drums
Benjamin Franklin Junior High School: Red Guide, spring

Philmont Boy Scout camp, New Mexico, July 5
Rank of Life Scout, 2 merit badges away from Eagle

10th grade: Hillcrest High School, fall

High school hangout: Kip's Big Boy coffee shop - Big Boy triple decker hamburgers, fries, chocolate malts
The Cavern Club, blacklights, bouncer, drinks
Drinking in car at synagogue, put in soda cups, chased by older kids
Backstage, Butterfinger bars, reworking flats in hallways, painting spirit posters, animating them, building the model stage
Hi-fi's: 45 RPM records, mono LPs, transistor radios
Blackie put to sleep, fall
Rolling Stones concert, Dallas Memorial Auditorium, Sunday, November 21
Chica adopted, Christmas; second family dog

Clarence, Life with Father, Ginny Burgess, Sally Neill, PHPC

Sump'n Else at Northpark Studio, Ron Chapman, Joanie Prather (UT tutoring, John Travolta, Billy Crystal)

Driving class: Mr. Tysor 'Behind-the-wheel', June
Set crew at Theater Three
Camp Argyle, church day camp
The Animals, Herman's Hermits concert, Dallas Memorial Auditorium, July 16
UT Tower sniper: 14 killed, 31 wounded, August 1
Accident in Impala, August, early morning

Georgetown; Austin, UT; San Marcos; San Antonio; Monterey, Mexico; mom, August 24
11th grade: Hillcrest High School: Andrea Williams, fall
Watched filming of Bonnie & Clyde, Greenville Avenue, November
The King and I, Hillcrest High set designer, late nights, backstage gang: Laird McDonald, Barbara Smith,
Chris Chernoff, Joe Chapman, Ann Kilby, Becky Kennedy, Allen Smoot, Abe Frishman, Febuary 16-18
Thanes Hi-Y: Randy McCommons
Art Service Club, President: Ms Hudson, spirit posters and pep assemblies
First Place Art awards, Student Crafts Fair
Post & Lintel Club, Vice President
Red Shirts male spirit group
School rep to Downtown Rotary Club (Junior Rotarian)
Late nite/early morning study/cram during high school - in the living room

Jack tacos from Jack-in-the-Box on the Forest Lane cruise drag strip
Burgers from Crystal on Lemmon Avenue
Six Flags, parking lot night shift, July 1
For Heaven's Sake, set design, Preston Hollow Presbyterian Church, July 24
Atlanta & Florida; mom & dad, August 14
12th grade: Hillcrest High School
The Girls in 509, Hillcrest set designs, December 15-16


Season tickets to Bronco Theater, Oak Cliff
Soroptomist Citizenship Award, January 23
Spring Thaw, Hillcrest: Spring
Hillcrest High School Hall of Fame

Senior Prom, May 17, Barbara Smith Grant
Graduation: Hillcrest High School, May 30; All-night party at Six Flags

Six Flags, Tower
, Asst Ride Foreman: Marge Johnson, Larry Wine, Rodney Elkins, summer
Worked at Gordon Sibeck Architects, June
Camptown Theater: The Drunkard, set design: summer
UT Summer Freshman Orientation: Derek O'Brian, Lars Lundahl, August 4-8
Austin: Enroll University of Texas, September 16

UT Prather Hall (WPA building 1936-1937) September 1968 - May 1969: Mike Spradlin (1st roommate), Chuck Muller (2nd),
Marty Crutsinger, Andy Anderson, Walter Hyde, Gene Gardner, Dan Wheelus

UT Drama major: Greg Grove, George Cook, Joanie Prather, Ronny Strew, Trisha
  Tech crew: The Great Cross-Country Race, Celebration
  Faculty: Franny (Dance), John Rothgeb (sets), David Nancarrow (lights), Paul Reinhardt (costume), Arnold Kendall (Acting), Robert Chambers (stagecraft)
San Antonio, HemisFair; Barbara, fall
Sunday meals at a place on Burnet Road:

Gypsy (role: stagehand, one line Aw, shut your damn hole.) UT, April 21-26
Six Flags: worked double shifts, Scholarship Award, summer
Bought 1966 white Mustang
History class: UT Arlington, Barbara, summer
July 20: Watched the Apollo moon walk & Neil Armstrong while dozing on the den floor
UT Jester Center dorm, room M467, Austin: September 1969 - May 1970

Roommate John, from Midland/Odessa, his friend Brent
8-track and cassette tapes
Painted soap on blinds - visible only under blacklight
Louie's - didn't check IDs
Gin at dorm room on Nueces (with Andy Anderson?): bushes by old house, dorm room, black out, shower
Bought most supplies and balsa wood at the University Co-op:

UT Art: Commercial Art major

National Moratorium against the war in Vietnam, march Main Mall to Capitol, Wensday October 15th
Waller Creek tree sit-in, Tuesday, October 21-22
Houston, AstroWorld: Joe, Becky, Barbara, fall
Pledged Sigma Chi fraternity, November 7: Tom White, Jerry Landers, Jim Craver, Ed Baxter, Tom Bartley,
John Jarvis, Ren Maupin, Cliff Logan, Billy Baird, Don Drinkard, Nick Moore, Don Block, Jack Payne
Vietnam draft lottery: Number 289 (of 366 - not going to Nam), December 1
Bus trip, 1969 football championship Arkansas, December 6: James Street, Jim Bertelson, Chris Gilbert, Steve Worster
UT Round-Up chair: designed Sweetheart Presentation stage set
Six Flags, summer

Sigma Chi house 2701 Nueces St, Austin: August - December 1972

La Grange; Lana at the Chicken Ranch, Scott

Redesigned and built brick planters at Orchid Lane patio: July
Padre Island; Jimmy Scruggs, Tom, Jerry, fall
UT Freshman Orientation Advisor, Wimberley retreat, Jester Center: Jack Balagia, Tim Dickey, Cheryl Goodman, Karen Barton;
The Illusion of Levitation.
Sigma Chi Pledge Trainer: Fall
UT Dad's Day, October 30-31
Sigma Chi Outstanding Member award
Winter Park, skiing: Tom, Jerry, fall/winter

UT Advertising: Journalism Building, Bill Mindak, Don Vance
Sigma Chi, President: Milton Jackson, Mark Johnson, Carl Moerer, January-December

UT Freshman Orientation Advisor, Wimberley retreat, Kinsolving dorm: Sarah Martin, Bill Arnold
UT Freshman Experience Advisor, Wimberley retreat: Barbara Smith
UT: Suzanne Morris
Sigma Chi Pledging & Rushing committee meeting: Chicago, Evanston, March
Sigma Chi Leadership Training workshop: Dekalb IL: Tulsa, Six Flags over Mid-America, St. Louis, DeKalb IL, (fly home), August

Milwaukee & Madison: Steve & Heidi Cooper wedding, Unity Lutheran Church (Oklahoma Avenue), September 17-19
Sigma Chi Pledging & Rushing committee meeting: Salt Lake City
Campus Crusade for Christ, study groups, conference in Dallas

Tiger, the cat, died: Febuary
Sigma Chi house: Room 5. The spinning peanut can from the lounge rocker.

Dallas: Six Flags auditions, Sarah Martin.
New York City, UT study tour: Dr. Pierce, Guy Bommarito, De Rumpf, Tom Kuykendall, Doug Poole, Larry Fuller, spring break

Roots shoes, store on 24th?
Colorado: ski trip, Jerry, Tom, Gary; January
Lived in Willowcreek apartment Austin: January-May

JB the dog
Gary Hunter, Bill McElvoy(?)
Corn marijuana, Stairway to Heaven
Director, UT Advertising Club
Designed logo and materials, UT School of Communication

Interned at Dallas Times Herald: Casey Cohlmia, Jean Prejean, John Wolf, Debbie Klausner, May 29
Houston; July
Aunt Margaret and Grandma Ida Remmel visit Dallas: August
Enchanted Rock camping, LBJ State Park, Jerry, Fredericksburg: October 5-7
Mexico City, Sheraton Maria Isabel; family Christmas

Designer & copywriter: Highland Mall, Bill Shoop, Austin
Designed billboard & program cover: Texas State Arts & Crafts Fair
Outstanding Intern Award, Dallas Advertising League, Texas Daily Newspaper Assoc, Febuary 20

UT Parents' Day: LBJ Library (shook LBJ's hand), Communications Building, Advertising tour, mom & dad, March 9
Grandmother Remmel died; March 15
Left UT, May 10

House: 4104 Ridgelea; Tom Bartley & Tom White: May - July
Large photo of woman's head peering from kitchen; chair, rug, and floor lamp on the wall; Jeet? Jew? Squeat.
Promotions Manager, Dobie Mall, Dennis Cavanaugh, Stanley Clark, Wesley, July

Aspen, April, Jerry, Linda, January 5-14
Austin, January 16-19
Austin, Febuary 28 - March 3
Interviewed: Tracy-Locke, TGIFriday's
TV Facts: Art Director, Production Artist, horoscope writer, March 6
Spanish class, Richland, spring
Dallas Times Herald: ad sales:
John Wolf, Tom Farrell, Jim Wilson, Debbie Kaufman, Casca Schade, March 26
Austin Guadalupe River, May 2-4
Houston, Bolshoi Ballet, mom and dad, June
Interior Design class: Eastfield College, summer
Austin, July 4-6
Austin Pedernales River, July 19-20
Grandmother Watson died; July 31

Idea for round backgammon, Dallas, August 30
Spanish class: Richland, fall
Austin, September 12-15
Designed round Backgammon board, September/October
Houston, East Texas, Galveston, October 3-9
TGI Friday's waiter, Training: October 24, Waiting: November 3
Barry Crook, Eric Sham, Dale Travis, John Wilson, Julie Winans,
Marty Konavalski, Mike Albers, Mike McClure, Rush Bowman, Vic Argenzio
Built round Backgammon board prototypes, November 5-12

US Patent filed: round Backgammon board, January 28
New York City; Backgammon board presented: Pressman Toys; Tom's play: March 3-7
Oswald Jacoby plays on Backgammon board, Dallas, March 11

Saracen apartment, Turtle Creek: Hall at Carlisle
Meet with Jim Devlin and Anita Rufus, Backgammon board, Dallas, March 20
New York City; Backgammon: Pressman, Jacoby, Jim Devlin, contract; New Jersey factory, April 6-12
Designed Point Blank press kit
Designed T White's play set: Yes, No & Yellow
Signed contract - Patent rights sold to Pressman Toy Company: April 26
New York City; Backgammon model approval; New Jersey factory; August 17
Boston: Woody Kane, Plymouth, Cape

Timbercreek apt on creek
Assistant Headwaiter, TGIF, June-October
Headwaiter, TGIF: Thomas Boggs, Paul Heyd, Herman Rudolph, Freddie, Jeff Cheek,
Jim West, Steve Betzelberger, Nancy Donahue, November-December
Designed & built soft round dining table: January
Bought, renovated barber chair
New York City; Backgammon, American Toy Fair: Febuary 16, 17, 21
Dallas Toy Show, Backgammon: March 20-24
Designed & built Sofa Units (1977-2021)
Received first Backgammon produced boards: May 2
Phoenix, Las Vegas, Marina Del Rey (open May 19); TGIF: Mike McClure; Grand Canyon
Developed concept for POV Table Numbering System: May 12
Received 1st Backgammon royalty check: July 25
Trained managers, TGIF, summer
Los Angeles, Las Vegas: September
New Orleans: King Tut at Art Museum, Fall
US Design Patent: Backgammon in the Round, November 8

Timbercreek apt at Skillman & Northwest Hiway
Designed bed and mattress: December
Tampa; TGIF, January
Longview TX, May
TGIF van March 7 - July 17: Chicago (Schaumburg Mar 17), Cleveland (Mayfield Hts Apr 17), Ft. Lauderdale (Jun 26), Atlanta, Nashville, Louisville; TGIF: Paul Curran, Nora Hughes, Lenzy Griffin, Lee Ann Malina, Brad Nelson, Gary Sweatt, Malcolm MacRae
Jamaica; TGIF, Nora, Lenzy, Brad, July
? Colorado; Jerry, summer ?
Los Angeles, TGIF
Denver, Los Angeles, Dayton, Shreveport, Houston, St. Louis, TGIF: September
Austin, trip home: car trouble, inspired to become a teacher, October
Teaching Assistant: Arts Magnet High School, October-November
TGIF corporate office: record training tape voiceovers: Mikey Baker, fall
TGIF: St. Louis, January 2-5
Lived in Big white house Austin: Spring

Above right: my room on the 2nd floor, far left, jutting out, small square window is the bathroom, sleeping porch to the right.
Shared bath, no shower - sat in tub
TGIF: Houston, Febuary 16-19
Built Tripod House model
UT Austin, BS degree in Advertising, spring
Headwaiter Seminar, San Diego, Los Angeles TGIF, June

Lived at Timbercreek

Graduate School, University of North Texas, summer and fall
Providence RI; April, July 4, Bristol
Took Mensa test, July 28
Taught at Performing & Visual Arts High School, August 20

Lived at Alamo Oak Lawn, August
TGIF, host/doorman, fall
Took Allison to Six Flags, October
Houston, November
Lived at Timbercreek, December 1979 - May 1983

First Chili's, Greenville at Meadow, in a rumored former speakeasy on the old highway to Oklahoma.
Graduate School, UNT, spring, summer, and fall
Classes downtown at 1st Baptist building
Summers at UNT: shuttle bus from NorthTown and Valley View, carpools
PVAHS, Blood Wedding set designed by Sharon Campbell, spring
Designed & built sofa units, studio furniture, stereo cabinet: spring
TGIF, host/doorman: Lisa Cordova, Blake Nelon, Ned Durbin, Christopher Stephens, Debbie Trevino, Jon Allred
Watched demolition of Baker Hotel: June 29
Attended Mormon church, baptized
PVAHS, Crucible, fall
PVAHS, Under the Gaslight, fall
Graduate School, UNT, spring, summer, and fall
PVAHS, spring
PVAHS, The Matchmaker, fall
New York City: student study tour, Wanda Hill, March 19-24
TGIF, spring
Eureka Springs, Branson; AMHS, April

Lived at Timbercreek
Wrote Theater Design curriculum, summer
Meditated, jogged, summer
London, Egypt, Amsterdam; Cats, Nile cruise, Anne Frank house, mom & dad, August 14-28
Hamsters with Habitrail, fall
Graduate School, UNT, spring, summer, and fall

Remodeled Billy Bob VW van, spring
Richland College Graphics: Susan Russell, Dianna Kozlowski,
Larry Howard, Leigh Anne Dial, Casey Shaw, spring
Chica went away to die, May
Graduated UNT, MEd, honor fraternities, May 15
Evita, White Rock bicycle, summer
Galveston; Jerry Landers, summer
East Texas; Jerry Landers, summer
Cherokee Lake; Jerry, Labor Day
Inversion boots
Cozumel, Mexico; Jerry, Thanksgiving
Graduate School, UNT, spring, summer, and fall: Donna Adams, spring
Richland College Graphics, spring
Bought Atari 800 computer

Detroit, Steve's wedding, January 22
Walt Disney World; Jerry, spring

Lived at Whitehurst near Skillman/LBJ, #2071, December 1979 - May 1983 - August 1987
Kathie Reilly, summer
Amtrak, Chicago, Oak Park, Milwaukee, Star Lake family reunion, Madison, August
New York City, Thanksgiving; Jerry
Graduate School, UNT, spring, summer, and fall
Richland College: graphic designer, spring

Brookhaven College software project, Linda Lee, Mary Brumbach, spring
Country dancing, Leigh Anne, spring
Houston, spring
New Toyota, summer
Water volleyball, summer
Olympics on television, summer
Michael Jackson Victory Tour, Larry Lewis, July 13-15
Bob Siegel project, summer
Taught at Brookhaven College, fall: History, Professional Practice
Volleyball: Phil Lyons, Mike Bernon, Rick Eubanks, Scott, Chuck Negrelli, Mark, Beth, Ginni, fall
New Orleans World's Fair; Jerry, fall
Austin, fall
Walt Disney World, Epcot; family Christmas
Carolyn Gateson
Graduate School, UNT: dissertation, research and writing
Water volleyball, spring

Volleyball at PHP Church, Cecilia Robertson, spring
Apple Exercises, Brookhaven, spring
Innovator of the Year, Brookhaven, spring
Santa Fe; Cecilia Robertson, spring
Water volleyball, summer
Taught Computer Graphics, Brookhaven, summer
Dissertation Proposal, summer
Renovated Wanda's kitchen, summer
Designed Dallas Volleyball Center, summer
Casa Manana; Cecilia, A Chorus Line - August

Delta plane crashed at DFW, August 2
Skyline Volleyball League, First Place, fall
Graduate School, UNT, dissertation: spring
Taught at Brookhaven, spring
Challenger shuttle exploded: January 28
Cancun; Jerry, spring
San Antonio; Laird, Jerry, spring
Graduate School, UNT: Dissertation draft, summer
Volleyball, summer
Graduate School, UNT: Defended/revised dissertation, fall
Graduate School, UNT: Doctoral written/oral exams, fall
White Rock YMCA Volleyball, First Place, fall
Volleyball clinics, fall

Corsicana, Ennis: Interurban, Laird, Margaret, mom & dad, January

Exploring the Interurban station ruins in Plano, Febuary

Walnut Hill YMCA Class, spring
Graduate School, UNT: final dissertation revision, January
Graduate School, UNT: got signatures, PhD Dissertation, Febuary 3
Printed resume, Febuary
Substitute teacher, PVAHS, spring
Taught at Brookhaven, spring

Graduated UNT: PhD, May 16
Gumby Volleyball tournament, summer
Volleyball tournaments, First place, summer
El Paso; Laird, June 4-7

Tulsa, Edmond, July 4-7, Laird, Motel 6 on I35: University of Central Oklahoma interview, July 6
Edmond, Motel 6, July 27-29: Signed UCO contract: July 27, got apartment: WindRush, July 28
Edmond, Motel 6, August 7-8, Laird: Moved office to UCO
Moved to Edmond, Oklahoma, August 14-15, Laird.

Windrush apartments August - June 1992
Two apartments: 2nd floor, 1st floor
Built model train cars and plastic buildings, marble raceway, paperboard models
Helped mount exhibits in the Museum of Art (benches under art).
Dinners at Wallo's.
Faculty meetings, UCO, August 20-21
Dallas, volleyball, August 21-23
Started college teaching at UCO, August 25
Dallas, volleyball, September 11-14
Dallas, volleyball - 1st Place, October 2-4
Faculty Art Shows, fall
MetroChurch: devout Christian, fall
TASA article published, fall
MetroChurch volleyball: Tom Pinkston, Fred Grosz
Santa Fe, Taos; Laird, Jerry, Rebecca, October
Dallas, Volleyball Doubles, First place: Phil Lyons, October
Redesigned office, November
Developed new Graphic Design Program, November
Dallas, Mt. Scott, Ft. Sill, November 25-29
Ada/Ardmore Laird, Dallas, December 20-26
Dallas, January 4-7 & 10-11
Acapulco; Laird, January 7-10
Dallas, January 15-17
Dallas, Febuary 11-14
Faculty Art Show, 'Portals': Febuary 21
Art Deco lecture, Tulsa, Febuary 25
FL Wright lectures, Tulsa, March 10
Dallas, spring break
Color workshop, April 12
Bartlesville, Woolaroc, Pawhuska, April 23-24
Dallas, May 6-9
Dallas, Austin, Houston, Galveston, Brenham, May 18-25?
Corpus Christi, Padre Island; Volleyball: Phil Lyon, Mike Bernon, May 27-31
Dallas, volleyball tournaments, June 2-5
Ponca City, Wichita, June 12

Dallas, Hillcrest 20 year Reunion: Chris Laird, Barbara, Doubletree, June 16-20
Kingfisher, Enid museums, June 26
PGA tournament, Oak Tree, August 11-14
Dallas, August 19-21
Houston, Jerry, Katy, September 2-5
Dallas, Philip Glass concert, October 20-23
Wichita; Katy Emde, summer
Joined First Presbyterian Church, fall
Prepped/taught new courses, fall
Coined the word neurobics for mind-stretching
MetroChurch Volleyball League: Don Samara, Fred Grosz, Tom Pinkston, fall
Moved apartment, winter break
Arizona, Arcosanti, Taliesin, Ventura CA, Eric Sham, winter break, December 31 - January 6
CSU Graphics, Computer Graphics, spring
Volleyball, Fridays, Wantland: Julie Byer, David Harris, Fred Grosz, Lon Dehnert, Sylvia
New York City study tour: spring break
Guthrie, 89er celebration, April 22
Route 66, Springfield, Branson, Eureka Springs; Laird, summer
Redid A102, summer
Purged apartment, office, summer
Made new furniture, summer
Route 66, Amarillo, Lubbock; Laird, July
Route 66, El Reno, summer
Route 66, St. Louis, August 8-13

US Olympic Festival events: mom & dad, Laird, July 21-30
Director, Graphic Design Program, July
Taught at Oklahoma Christian University, August 28
Ft. Worth: Typographic Design: Medium & Message conference, September 1-2
Kansas City, Lawrence, Manhattan, Abilene; Laird, October 13-16
Dallas, November 3-4
Dallas, November 11-12
Dallas, November 22-26
Route 66, Albuquerque, Santa Fe, December 22-24
Santa Fe, Taos; family Christmas, December 24-28
Route 66, Los Angeles, Rose Parade, Tempe; Laird, December 28 - January 10
Faculty Show
London, Paris, Nice, Milan, Rome, May
Purged apartment, office, summer
HotType museum show, summer
Bought Geo Tracker, summer
Designed academic calendar, summer
Route 66, St. Louis, Chicago; Laird, August
Door County WI, family reunion, August
Madison: Aunt Margaret, Taliesin, Iowa, August
Yosemite, San Francisco; Jerry, Chris, October 11-16
Mom in hospital, October 19-26
Dallas, November 22-25
Designed closet rack, fall
Dallas, December 22-28
New York City study tour, March 16-21
Dallas, May 12-15
Memphis, Little Rock, Arkansas, May 24-28
Rolfing, summer
Dallas, Houston, June 20-23
Dallas, July 18-21
Promoted to Associate Professor
Santa Fe, Utah, Zion, Bryce Canyon, Boulder, Denver, Santa Fe Trail, August
Took mom & dad to Guthrie, Cowboy museum, County Line barbecue: Feb 17
Adopted Dallas the dog, Saturday, March 7
Dallas, March 18-22
Dallas, mom & dad's 50th anniversary, May
Cleveland, Pennsylvania, Washington DC, Baltimore; Laird, May 21-31
Planned trip to Japan, studied Japanese; cancelled trip: Spring/summer

Moved to Wallo house, East 7th, furniture in storage: June 7
Walked Dallas, the puppy, around the neighborhood. Began training her.
Sad for Dallas during rainstorm in a too-small dog house.

Moved to 606 West 7th rental house, June 26 - May 1995
Built De Stijl dog house, later moved it to the garage
Dog walks in neighborhood, housing developments, fields
Dallas, July 2-5

Tulsa, with mom & dad, July 27
Boulder, Oregon Trail, Mt. Rushmore, Yellowstone, Denver; Laird, August 10-20
Granted Tenure
Dallas, October 16-19
Houston November 5-8: Space Center, Wurstfest, San Antonio; Jerry & Shirley
Reorganized GCS, fall
News of Laird's cancer, November 5
Dallas, Laird, November 13-15
Dallas, November 26-29
Dallas, December 22-29: Laird, Chris, Barbara, Margaret, Laird chemo
Dallas, January 6-10
Dallas, January 30 - Febuary 2
Wichita, student conference, Febuary 20
Laird's cancer treatments, spring
Read John Grisham books
Dallas, Waco, Austin; Laird, March 13-21
Dallas is missing, March 26-29
Hair, UCO, spring
Dallas, May 9-11
Monument Valley, Zion, Las Vegas, Grand Canyon; Laird, May 22-30
Taught Creativity class, summer
The Idea Kit Presentation, OVAC, June 17
Dallas, July 4-7
New York City, Air Titanium glasses, July 20-25
Dallas, August 11-16
President, Graphic Communication Society, fall
ClockTower Studio, new name
Wrote The Idea Kit
Bought PowerBook
Researched Christianity & religion
Resigned as Director, Graphic Design
Renovated Tracker
Dallas, Denton car wreck, October 15-19
Rescued Austin, Bailey Turnpike, Sunday, December 5
Dallas, December 24 - January 4
Laird in hospital, December 27
Dallas, December 24 - January 4
Dallas, January 10-14: time with Laird
Adopted Austin, Saturday, Febuary 5
Dallas, Febuary 18-21
Dallas, March 18-24
Laird died, March 25
Dallas, April 1-3
Dallas, April 16-17
Worked on the Idea Kit
The Idea Kit Presentation, Leadership OKC, March 10
GCS programs
Sigma Tau Gamma: White Rose, Volleyball, Sponsor Award: Chad Baker, Sean Carney
Researched religion; embraced atheism
Home office
Las Vegas, May 30 - June 3
Dallas fishing trip, June 25-26
Volleyball: won SunSpike: Julie Byer, David Harris, Fred Grosz, Lon Dehnert, summer
Santa Fe, Bisbee, August 6-13
Renovated 50s chairs
Mom & dad visit, summer
Dallas, State Fair, Cecilia Robertson, Ft. Worth, October 21-23
Dallas, November 23-26
Las Vegas, December 18-22
Dallas, December 18, 22-26
Developed Graphic Design for Non-Majors
Dallas, Febuary 10-13
Las Vegas, March 20-24
Murrah Building bombed, April 19
Bought house: 424 East 4th, April 27; Moved May
Performances in Mitchell Hall, Hair, plays, walk over Sunday matinee, CT programs, Emcee Parents Orient
Dallas, July 6-8
Renovated 424 house: July 9 - Sept 26
PLC retreat, advisor: Lynn Means, Stacie McNeiland, August
Promoted to Professor
Puebla, ENCUADRE, Creativity presentation: October 24-29
Open house, 424 East 4th, Thanksgiving
Faculty Grievance Board, Chair, spring
AIGA show, City Arts Center
Las Vegas, March 18-22
Knee pain: spring
Renovated 424 exterior, summer
Paris, Disneyland, May 11-15
Dallas, June 6-10
Aunt Margaret & mom visit, summer
Las Vegas, Arizona, Utah, August 4-8
Tulsa, Route 66, September 2
The Idea Kit presentation, OMS, November 19
Dallas, November 27-30
Submitted MemorialOklahoma design, spring
Installation Banquet, Delta Zeta, March 8
New York City study tour, spring break
Tulsa, April 6
Vegas born: May 1
Dallas, Leash Belt, May 2-5
Tunica, Memphis, Oxford, May 27-30
Wrote Memorial Design letter, May
Dallas, July 4-6
Listened to Dr. Laura
Designed/built new deck railing
Mom & dad visit, July 25-27
Portland & Seattle, July 28 - August 3
Joined AOL
Dallas, August 14-16
Tulsa, September 12
New Orleans, AIGA Conference: Ruthanne Smith, November 13-16
Removed back fence, vines, trees, fall
Purged entire house, fall
Dallas, November 26-29
Dallas, December 24-29
Las Vegas, January 11-14
Dallas: Rent, Quidam, Feb
Tulsa, March 13
Dallas, Austin, March 17-20
Designed UCO Master Plan, spring
Bought 4door Tracker, built dog bed
Renovated UCO office, May
Aunt Margaret dies, May
Wichita, May 29-31
Hillcrest 30 year Reunion: FR: Dick's West End, SA: am HHS open house Barbara, pm Prestonwood reunion, Six Flags, June 11-14
Dallas, Bring in 'da Noise, July 16-19
Los Angeles, August 4-9
Taught Design History at Oklahoma State University, fall
Dallas, October 14-17
Dallas, November 25-27
Dallas, December 24-27
Las Vegas, January 3-6
OSU faculty application, January
Tulsa, spring break March: Philbrook, Paul Davis presentation, Okmulgee, Dallas
High Arts Director, April
Building captain, renovation, April
IFC Award, Student Services, April
Parking Advisory Board, Chairman, summer
OKC/Moore Tornado, May 3: Cleaned out closet, it veered east towards Tinker AFB.
Dallas, May 7-10: Mother's Day visits
Las Vegas, May 31 - June 4
Purged office, house, summer
Renovated 424 house, garage, numbers, summer
Dallas: Results 2000, Tony Robbins, July 8-13
Sundays at Barnes & Noble, summer
Route 66, Branson, Eureka Springs, August 12-14
OSU: Taught Design History: August - December
Dallas: September 24-26
Outstanding Mentor Award, UCO Student Services, fall
InterFraternity Council advisor: fall
Las Vegas: AIGA Conference, Sept 29 - Oct 3
Distinguished Teaching Award, October

Reorganized handouts into booklets, December
Reserved JRW web domain name, December 13
Caught Eddie the mouse, bought cage, December
Designed 424 office, December
Dallas: December 22-26
Dallas: January 26-29: Edward Tufte seminar
Uploaded website
Got Puebla teaching job
Taught Design History at University of Oklahoma; January - May
New York City study tour, spring break, March 11-16
Program Director, Graphic Design, spring break
Refined 424 office design, spring break
High Arts, April
Mom: heart attack, May
Las Vegas; Mitch, May
Puebla, Mexico City; teach class at UPAEP, June 3-14
Contracted and built 424 office, summer
Renovated Graphic Design Program, summer

Dallas, July 20-23
OSU: Taught Design History; August - December
Landscaped yards, September
Submitted Graphic Design program proposal, September
Dallas, November 22-24
Resigned IFC, December
Las Vegas, December 18-21
Dallas, Christmas, December 23-25
New College, new Department, January 8
Chairman of the Department of Design
OU: Taught Design History; January - May
New York City: AIGA History conference, Febuary
Interior Design publicity campaign, spring
Dallas, spring break
Hammock, back yard, spring break
Tulsa, Bartlesville, March
Puebla; teach class at UPAEP, May 19-28
New windows, new deck canopy, summer
Organized Department of Design, summer
Dallas, July 6-8
Las Vegas, NSync concert, July 27-30
Intersession class: Typography, August
OSU: Taught Design History; August - December
World Trade Center, DC, PA attacked: September 11
New deck trex, fall
Bought Eames chair, Saarinen set, October
Guthrie; Professor's Academy
Quartz Mt, Mt. Scott, Medicine Park; Professor's Academy, November 9-10
Dallas: Cirque du Soleil's Dralion with Margaret Hudson, November
Senior show, City Arts Center
Dallas: Christmas, December 24-27
OU: Taught Design History; January - May
Tulsa; Professor's Academy, Febuary
New York City study tour, March 16-21
Designed new 424 kitchen, spring break
Outstanding Professor Award, spring break
Duncan, Lawton, Medicine Park, Quartz Mt, Rt 66, April 12-14
Dallas, May
Las Vegas, May 26-30
Contracted/built new 424 kitchen, May/June
Designed new Department of Design office, May
Austin broke her leg: Thursday, July 25
Austin died: Thursday, August 1, 5p
Dallas, family and friends, August 2-4
Austin's ashes come home, August 5
Ft. Worth & Dallas, August 8-11
OSU: Taught Design History; August - December
Dad had mild stroke, October 3
New Department of Design office opens: Friday, October 11

Weekend with family in Edmond, October 11-13
New York City, October 16-20, Holocaust Museum, Lubalin Study Center, Apollo: Harlem Song
Tulsa study tour, November 1
Mom fell, hurt head, November 16
Mom had bad stroke, November 17
Vegas retired from kennel: June 17 (5 years old)
Saw greyhound Vegas at PetsMart, decide to adopt, November17
Vegas adopted: Friday, November 22
Conor Henderson died in car accident: Saturday am, November 23
Conor's funeral: Tuesday, November 26
Dallas: I took Mom for a wheelchair ride in hospital: November 28
I said goodbye and thanked Mom: Wensday, December 18
Mom died: Thursday, December 19, 9:05a
Mom's Memorial Service: Sunday, December 22, 3p
Mom's Inurnment: Tuesday, December 24, 11a
OU: Taught Design History; January - May
Weekends without working
New Department secretary, Febuary
Dallas: take dad to see Alegria, Cirque du Soleil, Febuary
New Design Conference Room, Febuary
Dallas: retail design maps, spring break
Designed new 424 workshop and landscaped lot, March
New MFA in Design
Dad in hospital, stroke, April 9
Dallas, May
New York City study tour: May, bought Corbusier chaise lounge
Interviewed and hired new design faculty: May
New HVAC system and ceiling vents
Dad in nursing home: Forum and Presbyterian Village North, North Dallas
Weekends with Dad, Dallas
Las Vegas, August 5-8
OSU: Taught Design History; August - December
Estate sale, family house: September 6
Sold family house, 1958-2003: September 15

In the summer it became apparent that dad would never be able to live at Orchid Lane again due to his stroke (mom had passed away the preceding December). My brothers and I decided it was time to sell the family house. We made arrangements and began purging the house of items we wanted to keep (pic of den prepped for sale). It was razed soon after and construction of a large McMansion (pics below) went up at 6631 Orchid Lane.

Last visit with Dad: Thursday & Friday, September 25 & 26
I took Dad for a wheelchair ride in hospital: Thursday, September 25
I said goodbye and thanked Dad: Friday, September 26 & 29
Family was with Dad: Monday, September 29, 4p-11:20p
Dad died: Monday, September 29, 11:13p
Dad's Inurnment: Saturday, October 4, 10:30a
Dad's Memorial Service: Saturday, October 4, 11:00a
New York City, November: look for apartment
Read The DaVinci Code, Angels & Demons by Dan Brown
Dallas: Christmas with brothers & their families
Designed and contracted new driveway

New York City, January 7-11: buy apartment in Battery Park City
Condo staff: Bob, Jose, Allen, Tommy, Larry, George
Designed renovation of NYC apartment
Developed MFA-Design
Designed/renovated 424 bathroom
New York City: March (close on apt)
Submitted decision to not serve as department chair after spring, 2005
New York City: April: settle apt, install artwork
New York City: May (study tour)
New York City: June
Washington DC: June 2: UCO dancers at Kennedy Center
New York City: July 4th
New York City: August 9-16
OSU: Taught Design History; August - December
Chicago, October 14-18: AIGA Design conference
New York City: October 21-25
UCO Hauptman Fellowship award
New York City: November 19-23
Dallas: Thanksgiving with brothers & their families
New York City: Christmas, Radio City, Rockefeller Center
Las Vegas, January: Skeptics/freethinkers conference, Cirque's Ka
New York City, Febuary: The Gates, Christo and Jeanne-Claude
Completed 4 years as Chair of the Department of Design, March
New York City: March 11-20
Philadelphia: March: Historic district
New York City: April
New York City study tour: May
Orlando, May: Roberta & Steve Sloan,
Cirque's La Nouba, Animal Kingdom, Magic Kingdom tour, MGM Studios
Invented TravelPants
Dallas, May: NorthPark, Gaylord Texan Resort
Ft. Worth, September: train trip - Sundance Square, Modern Art Museum
Clinton, Quartz Mt, Wichita/Mt. Scott, Medicine Park
OK house: redo fence & gate, new bed, draw house plans
New York City, August: make recycle cart and tool cart
OSU: Taught Design History; August - December
Filed provisional patent for TravelPants
Set up JRW Trust, transfer assets
Dean's Fellowship: revamp history course to digital
Ft. Worth and Dallas
Tulsa/Catoosa: Aquarium, Philbrook and Cherokee Resort/Casino, September
New York City: October 13-19: fall break
New York City: November: Thanksgiving
Los Angeles, December: Disneyland, Venice Beach
Dallas: Christmas with brothers and families
New York City, January: New Year's
Renovated History class lectures and images
Spring break at home: projects, Dallas getting worse
Dallas died: Saturday, March 25, 12:20p
New York City: April 13-19
New York City study tour: May 9-14
New York City HGTV filming: May 17-21
New York City with Vegas, May 30 - August 8: July 4th in Battery Park, drive along the Hudson, FDR estate
Fayetteville AR, August 19: Jimmy's Initiation, tour Fay Jones (with Steve)
OSU: Taught Design History; August - December
NY apartment tour aired on HGTV: October 8
Worked on JRW Projects
New York City: October
Dallas: Thanksgiving
New York City with Vegas: December 23 - January
New York City with Vegas: December 23 - January
Las Vegas: January: freethinkers conference, Cirque's Love, Phantom of the Opera, Mitch
Developed Lucky Grape, design/idea consulting business with Sean Cobb
New York City, March 16-25: Spring Awakening
Adopted Manhattan: Saturday, March 31
Submitted letter of retirement, effective May, 2008
New York City with Vegas, Yankees game: May 16 - June 17
Fox25 interviewed me and taped tour of 424 house: June 22, aired on Monday, June 25
Bought iPhone: June 29
Rearranged/renovated 424 office
New York City: week in July/August
Obedience class with Manhattan: August
OSU: Taught Design History; August - December
Designed/printed stationery for Lucky Grape
Dallas, Ft. Worth: science museum research
Bought new Dodge Nitro, sold Chevy Tracker
New York City: October 18-23
Dallas: Thanksgiving with brothers and their families
New York City: December 22 - January 2
Lawrence & Kansas City: Febuary 1-4
Uploaded Lucky Grape website
New York City: spring break March 14-24
Mexico City, Puebla, March 27 - April 1
AIGA Fellow award
Pittsburg KS, Lon
Retirement parties, receptions, and award ceremonies, spring

Retired from UCO: May 9
New York City: May study tour
New York City with Vegas & Manhattan, May 29 - July 19
Designed JustOnePiece campaign
Accepted position to teach full-time at Oklahoma State University for 1 year
Incorporated JamesRobertWatson
Set up websites: TravelPants.info, JustOnePiece.us, PushPullstickers.com
Taught Typography, GD2, & Design History, OSU; August - December
Designed and furnished OSU faculty office
OSU: Faculty Art Show
Rescued Eddie the dog from the street, delivered to shelter
New York City, fall: AIGA Gala
Dallas: Hillcrest 40 year Reunion: Margaret Hudson, Steve & Barbara Grant; Wanda Hill
Austin, October 24-26: advisors reunion, UT, Tom White, Sarah Martin, Linda Callaway
Learned of brother Bill's liver cancer: November
Wes Watkins New Product Fair: TravelPants cited
OKC: Saltimbanco
New York City: December, EOS (end of semester) getaway
Dallas: Christmas with brothers and families
New York City: December 31 - January 7, New Year's
Taught Typography, GD2, Design Studio, OSU; January - May
Vegas diagnosed with liver problems: January 22
Kansas, January 30 - Febuary 2: Tallgrass Preserve, Council Grove, KC, & Lawrence
Dallas: visit with brothers and families, Bill's tumor getting larger
New York City: Liam Neeson, Matthew Broderick, Sarah Jessica Parker, March 13-21
Purged OSU office, house, and home office: 275 books, 100 puzzles, appliances, crap
Held Groj Sale, donated books to AIGA
Finished at OSU, re-retired from full-time teaching
DSVC Educator of the Year award
New York City with Vegas & Manhattan, May 15 - July 7: Long Island, CT: Glass House, Woodstock
Purged NY apartment, donated items to Goodwill
Manhattan underwent stomach surgery: Friday, June 5
Garland/Dallas: Weekends to visit Bill, Debbie, and family
OSU: Taught Design History; August - December
Rt 66, El Reno, Weatherford: Air Space Museum, Clinton: August
Brother Bill died: September 5, 6:20p
New York City: October 2-9
Upstate New York, Hudson, Poughkeepsie, Hyde Park: October
AFib: ER: diagnosed with atrial fibrillation: October 9/10
Purged History lecture notes
Las Vegas, November 19-22: Hoover Dam, Lake Mead
Dallas, Debbie's 60th surprise party
Purged office
Illinois (on way to NYC with Vegas & Manhattan), return to OK: December
Christmas Eve and day: OKC blizzard, snowed/iced in
Dallas: post-Christmas with brother's family
New York City, January 8-13
Purged house and office: slides, books, files, closets
Designed and uploaded new format for website
Rearranged office
AFib: ER: March 27
UCO Retired Faculty Art Show
Dallas: April
New York City with Vegas & Manhattan, April 15 - June 20: Craftsman Farms, Edison labs, Princeton; purge apt
Vegas stopped eating: Tuesday, July 13
Vegas died: Friday, July 16, 11:10a
Breckenridge CO, July 24-28: Brother Steve's new house, hikes, Vail, Tracy
New York with Manhattan, August 2-21: Sagamore Hill, Levittown; biking: Governor's Island, Central Park
OSU: Taught Design History; August - December
CA with Manhattan, October 8-18: Rt 66, Disneyland/CA, Venice Beach, Pasadena, Reagan Library, Grand Canyon, water pump I-40, Pampa TX
Lawrence, Kansas, November 6-8
New York: November 17-22
Washington DC: November: Museums 18-20
Dallas: Thanksgiving
New York City with Manhattan, December 21 - January 11: blizzard; snow storm, Cuba MO
Dallas, Febuary: Chickasaw museum, Nasher Center, Cowboys Stadium tour, DMArt
Writing class: iPad, stories
Finished The Great Purge
Tulsa, March: Philbrook, 15th, Hard Rock
Enid, April: Cherokee Strip Museum
New York City with Manhattan, May 9 - June 16
Posted Wordpress blog for 5 weeks
New York City, August 13-19
Revised website with RSS and Google Search: August
OSU: Taught Design History; August - December
Retired Art Educator of the Year, OAEA, September
OSU: Faculty Art Show, September
Consultant: Design Thinking Lab, UCO
Adopted Brooklyn, the dog: Saturday, October 8
Guest teacher: Graphic Design II, UCO
New York City, November 8-13: Occupy Wall Street, Negro Burial Ground, 9/11 Memorial, Bonnie & Clyde, Satyagraha Philip Glass opera at the Met
Brooklyn: leg puncture/cracked kneecap, hospital: October 29; surgeries: November 10 & December 21
Christmas in OK with dogs, Brooklyn recuperate
Brooklyn: FCE in rear legs: Friday, December 30
House returned to normal: Tuesday, January 3
Got caught up (project begun in summer 2008): January 30
Kansas City, Febuary 3-6: WWI Museum, Disney bldg; Lawrence: KU, The Artist, Super Bowl, Dehnerts
New York City, Febuary 29 - March 4: How to Succeed, 9/11 Memorial, MoMA
Texas, May 7-16: Ft. Worth (Barbara & Steve), Austin (Tom), San Antonio (Frank), Dallas (Steve & Sandy, Jimmy, Jan & Ralph, Allison & Randy, Eric), College Station, Huntsville (Roberta & Steve
Decided to sell the NYC apartment: May 22
New York City, 29 May - 6 June: meet with broker, Governor's Island, Central Park, MoMA, Madison Square, Ghost
Discussion of Backgammon app option: NYC, June 1
Decided not to sell the NYC apartment: June 2
Tulsa, June 23: Freethinker conference, BG app sketch

Sketched/developed Backgammon app: June 28 - July 6
Round Backgammon app, iGrip patent: July
Roof inspections: cancelled house insurance
Sketched/developed hybrid Backgammon board: July 6-7
Applied for Social Security
Health issues: eye retina, Brooklyn paw cut/swelling: July
Bonnie & Clyde research
London Olympics, August
New York City, August 11-17: Battery Park, Library, Seaport Museum, The Met, Coney Island, Village, Wall Street
OSU: Taught Design History; August - December
Received Six Flags show album, researched 1968: October
New York City, October 16-21: Columbus Circle, Central Park, MoMA, The Book of Mormon.
Trained & medicated Brooklyn: anti-anxiety
New chain link fence
Restored post-puppy house: new blinds, closet, sofa, bedspread
New York City, November 27 - December 2: 9/11 Memorial, MoMA, Happy Lecture, Rock tree, Newsies, Evita.
Installed dog doors in office and replaced one in house.
Schoolchildren slaughter in Connecticut: December 14
Austin, December 21-26: Tom, Frank; Dallas: nieces & nephews, Christmas
Tulsa, January 12: pickup airline seats, lunch Blue Dome
New York City, January 17-23: Union Sq, Madison Sq, Times Sq
Washington DC: January 21: Obama/Biden Inauguration Parade
Let hair grow out, got new glasses
Restored and resized airline seats in office: January
Kansas City & Lawrence, Febuary 1-4: Downtown KC; Marbles, KU/OSU basketball, Dole Inst, Super Bowl
Developed 'Sign design' essay and emails
Illinois (on way to NYC with Brooklyn & Manhattan), return to OK: April
New York City, April 17-24: City Hall, Cirque Totem, Newsies, Times Square, Madison Square tour, MoMA, Woolworth lecture, Guggenheim
Worked on Project List
Edmond tornado, May 19; committed to installing a shelter
Moore tornado, May 20
Landscaped front yard: reeds, rocks, steel; June
New York City, June 25 - July 2: Kinky Boots, Governor's Island, MoMA, Guggenheim, bike rides
Rehabbed house: gravel beds, repairs, groj/carport, doors, office windows, painting: July
Dallas, July 11: Brooklyn to opthalmologist
Colorado, August 12-18: Kansas; Denver Art Museum, Boulder, Shoshoni yoga, Breckenridge, cousins, mountain towns
OSU: Taught Design History; August - December
Tornado shelter installed: August 19
America concert: September 21, OK State Fair
OSU: Faculty Art Show, September
Dallas: HHS Anniversary: Margaret, Barbara, 1968: Library, Lunch: El Fenix; State Fair, October 3-6
Revised The Idea Kit: Sept-October
New York City, October 23-27: Big Fish, MoMA, Apple Store

Refined Ultimate Backgammon board, built model: 2-7 November
Dallas, Thanksgiving, November 27-30: Denison, Donna, downtown, Margaret
Tulsa, December 19: Art Deco Museum, Brady Arts District, Woody Guthrie Center
Scanned portfolio sketches to web, trashed portfolio
Chiropractic sessions: back aches
Constructed Lego JRW logo: Febuary & April
New York City, March 1-6: Columbus Park, Lego store, Carnegie Hall tour, MoMA, Woolworth tour, Union Square
Denison TX, March 18-19: Donna Adams, SEOSU, Gene Autry museum & airfield
Rehabbed house: new hotub, driveway sealed: March

Dog park friends: Al, Joanie, Pat, Gail, Sally, Rachel, Jeff, Phil

Refreshed living room: wood floor refinished, trim and tin removed, new trim, painting: April 6 - May 16
North Texas, May 23-26: Ft. Worth Museums, Barbara, Bush Library, Eric & Allison, Reunion Tower, DMA, Margaret, Donna
Manhattan ear wounds: May 24 (Brooklyn anxiety?)
Refreshed bedroom: June 2-9
New York City, June 11-17: Williamsburg, Governor's Island, Central Park, 9/11 Museum, Village, MoMA; Mike O'Keefe
Manhattan head wounds: June 15 (Brooklyn anxiety?)
WhichWich called re meeting about bag design: June 17
City dug new water pipes: Febuary 26 - October 10
Dallas, July 9-11: Downtown, WhichWich meetings, train Ft. Worth
Worked on WhichWich graphics
Dallas, August 6-8: Downtown, WhichWich work session, Dart, Denison
OSU: Taught Design History; August - December
Presented 'Jim's Minimalist Lifestyle', The Minimalists OKC: August 19
Submitted improvements for WhichWich brand, bags, and menu boards
North Texas, October 10: McKinney Donna, IKEA
New York City, October 21-26: Aladdin, MoMA
Rehabbed shoulder injuries: fall
Santa Fe, December 15-18: Frank, Plaza, Cecilia
Bella Vista AR, December 25: Debbie, Julie, Blake, Fay Jones Chapel
New York City, January 5-9: new Cooper Hewitt, Syed show, Met: Benton, Cubism
WhichWich Better Bag introduced to franchisees: January
Ponca City, Blackwell, January: Cia
Started bathroom, kitchen, deck refresh, March-July
Took Mike Roland to see his wife in nursing home. Visited Mike at Bradford Village. Saw house auction: April 8-9
New electrical circuits: March 24
Bentonville, Little Rock AR, March 27-28: Michael, Crystal Bridges, Clinton Library
New York City with Manhattan & Brooklyn, April 30 - May 15: walks
Mike Roland died: June 16.
Tulsa, June 20: Freethinker conference
New York City, July 2-9: MoCoNY Rand, new Whitney, American in Paris, Something Rotten
Finished bathroom, kitchen, deck refresh, March-July
Manhattan, surgery on toe: Friday, July 17
Abilene & Lawrence, August 7-10: Greyhound Museum, Eisenhower Museum, Leavenworth, Atchison, battlefield
OSU: Taught Design History; August - December
Ankle: torn achilles tendon
WhichWich Better Bag introduced to stores: September
Donald Trump, OK State Fair, September
Ardmore & Lake Murray cottage, October 8-9: girls walk
Girls each get bitten on upper mouth
New York City, October 20-25: MoMA, Finding Neverland
Ice storm, fallen limbs, Thanksgiving
Dallas, December 24-25: Steve/Sandy, Debbie, Donna
Ice storm, fallen limbs, December 26
Earthquake rattler: January 1, 5:40a
Web work, house work
Lawrence & Topeka, Febuary 5-8: Wichita Art, LeCompton, Topeka musuems capitol
Decide to sell NY apt: Febuary
WhichWich menu board: March - April
Dallas, April 10-13, Denton: "I could live here." Old Red museum, WhichWich work sessions, MPHudson Service, Frisco, Denison
New York City with Manhattan & Brooklyn, April 16-25: final dog drive; prep, clean, rearrange apt,
NYC April 22: CoatChex coffee meeting with Derek, quelines
New washer/dryer installed
NY apt listed for sale: May 6
AFib: ER: May
Apt first offer: May 20 (later withdrawn)
New York City, June 18-23: The apartment: Final stay
Purge apt, Goodwill, movers: empty sad apt, text/email friends; Holiday Inn; Cooper-Hewitt, The King and I
New hotub delivered: June 25
NYC furniture arrived: Sunday am, July 3; Integrated NY to OK
Dallas, July 15-16: Police Memorial, Jimmy birthday; Ada OK
NY Apt second offer: July 19; Counteroffer, 'as is': July 22; Buyer accepts counteroffer: Saturday July 23
Remove office desk, trim; refinish walls: August 1-2
Dallas Frisco, August 8: IKEA, red & yellow office shelf units
OSU: Taught Design History; August - December
Manhattan stomach hacking: September 2016
NY Apt third offer: October 4; Counteroffer, 'as is'; Buyer accepts counteroffer
Platelet Rich Plasma shoulder injection: October 7
Vet saw growth in Manhattan throat, biopsy, drove it to OSU: Friday, October 28
Trump elected, nightmare begins: November 1
Manhattan surgery to remove tumor: Tuesday, November 8
Thanksgiving in OK with dogs and friends
Fully retired: finished final semester at OSU: December 7
NYC Apt Closing: Thursday, December 8
Fence stained & sealed, car backup camera, new MacBook Pro: December 2-21
Christmas at home with the dogs and friends
NYE with Manhattan.
Capital View notes & meetings with city: January
Manhattan died: Monday, January 16, 11:10a
Manhattan's ashes came home: Thursday, January 19, 10:00a
Santa Fe with Brooklyn, January 20-23: Greg Scott, Frank Nichols, LaLaLand, Jill Scott service, Plaza
Deck6 reviewed online: Thursday, Feb 2
New York City, Febuary 13-17: Marriott Marquis, MetBreuer, MoMA, Seth LES
Stem cell & PRP injections, Wensday, March 1: pain, rest
Lawrence & St Joseph, March 3-6: BBall rules, museums
Best of Books writing class: Thursday evenings, March 23 - April 20

AFib: ER & hospital stay: April 15-16
Shoulder Physical Therapy, April 19 - July
PRP injection, Tuesday, May 2
Grand Casino, May 27: win $31.
Chiropractic sessions: June
New York City, June 10-15: Paramount/Marriott, Ruki, CoopHew, MoMA, Groundhog Day, Seth UES
Worked on yard, office refresh: June-July
Medicine Park, June 24: Mt. Scott, creek lunch, wildlife refuge
Rotator cuff tear, June 28 - July 2: mega-pain
Researched Aaron Watson, great-grandfather, Civil War diarist, grocer
Dallas, Friday, June 30: Debbie and family
Debbie Allen Watson died, Saturday July 1: sister and 4 children by her side
Dallas, Tues-Wens, July 11-12: Debbie Celebration of Life, Lakewood reception, Urban Reserve, Steve & Sandy
Worked on tree bench boulder, landscaping grasses: August 8-10
Santa Fe, August 14-18: Greg, Frank, Opera (R)evolution of Steve Jobs, MeowWolf, Bandolier hike
Shoulder replacement surgery, August 29-31: McBride Orthopedic Hospital
Post-Op, pain, little sleep, pills, sling: September 1-14
Plantar Fasciitis: September 1
Staples out, less sling, no pain meds: September 15
Purged, rearranged office: September-October
Sling away: October 3
Finished refresh of office: paint, digital frame art, blank walls: October 7
Plantar Fasciitis: October 12: X-rays, steroid shot, wear night splint, exercises
Shoulder, 6-week check-up: excellent, outlier: ahead of schedule
North Texas: Frisco, Ft. Worth, Dallas, Denison, Tues-Thurs, October 17-19
iPhone X: November 3 (traded for 8+ month later)
New York City, November 15-19: New Yorker hotel, Syed Opening, Play that goes Wrong
Thanksgiving: Dehnerts mobile home, Renee
Office: painted floor: November/December
North Texas: Denton, Dallas, Sat/Sun December 2-3
Built Lego: December 3-5, Nutcracker, bus, Holiday Station
Designed, built, mounted Groj key/cup shelf/ledge: December 12-13
Returned to office (painted floor): December 14, arranged furniture
Built Lego: December 10-15, Winter Village
Christmas/New Year's at home
Installed Little Free Library: January
Lawrence & Topeka, Febuary 2-5: Union Pacific Station, Soup party
Move Texas: met with finance March 5, vetted online realtors: March 11
Denton, March 15: coffee with & meet Realtor, drive streets, Square

American Atheists convention, March 30-April 1: Bill Nye film, Barry Lynn, Hugh Laurie
Denton, April 29: North Sts; West streets; Square
Returned to office: May 5, arranged furniture
New York City, May 16-20: Design Week, My Fair Lady
Sat in Tesla: ICCF, 12 noon May 20
Slight cold, Planet Fashionista, wasp sting: May
Denton, June 3: Bolivar Open House; Square coffee: make offer (none accepted)
House refresh, switch TV, new blinds, CableTable: Summer
Designed new kitchen, met with Lowes designer: June 18
Chest CT Scan: 5mm nodule: July
Had front windows tinted for privacy: June 22
Denton, July 21: Tour Houses; Square museums
Santa Fe, July 31-Aug 4: Los Alamos, Doctor Atomic, Sandia Peak tram
Painted living room skywall: August 10-13
Tree fell on office roof: August 25, removed: August 28
Kitchen remodel, cabinets, electrical: August 28-30
Denton, September 11: Tour Parkway house; UNT Square museum
Installed new urinals, painted walls; buried cable: September 13
Antique: bought 1950s coffee set: September 19
OK State Fair: September 20
Installed counter, sink: September 24; appliances, finished cabinets: September 26
Austin, November 2-5: Advisor reunion, Tom, Sarah, Tim
Condo: November 4/5, Austin: see/select 222 West St; Nov 6: Submit offer; Nov 7: offer accepted
Condo: shop/order furniture & housewares
Austin: Condo Closing; November 21
Austin, Nov 29 - Dec 2: Move-in, IKEA, settle condo
Austin/Dallas, Dec 20-25: settle condo, Brooklyn walks; Mimosa Christmas dinner
Volunteered NYE Opening Night: Art Museum
Austin, January 17-22: Brooklyn, web
Austin, Febuary 14-20: Brooklyn, Silos, web
Orlando: WaltDisneyWorld; Febuary 28 - March 3
Shoulder replacement surgery, March 12-13: McBride Orthopedic Hospital
Surgery Post-Op: Finished Lego, little sleep, stomach quease, off opioid, walks: March 14-17
Austin, April 1-4: Amtrak
6+ week shoulder checkup, X-ray: all good: April 26
Lawrence, April 26-29: Joannie drive, Weston MO
Austin & Kerrville, May 14-20: Brooklyn, Donna, LBJ Ranch, Fredericksburg
Dallas, May 30 - June 2: Jimmy & Erin Wedding
Austin, June 7-11: Hamilton
3 month shoulder checkup: "You're all done": June 14
Stripped and stained deck chairs: June 15, 18-19
Continued voluntary Physical Therapy: June 18-September
Steve & Sandy visit: June 27, Cowboy Museum, Bricktown Cajun, Midtown, house, UCO, Hideaway Pizza
Display table, set up Lego streetscape, rearranged office: June 29 - July 14
Brooklyn dew claw break/remove outer: July 13
Austin: July 25-29
Harold Schmid died: August 16
Tulsa, Sept 8: Hamilton, Gail & Rita
State Fair: September 19
New York City: Sept 31 - Oct 4: Hamilton sites, Beetlejuice, Hillary Clinton and Chelsea
Brooklyn flank wound: October 1, 5
MDVIP test: October 14
Austin, October 19-26: Official Texan; San Marcos, Round Rock, Georgetown, Denton
MDVIP physical: October 28
Thanksgiving, November 28-29: Denton, Dallas: tornado damage; Arlington; Ft Worth, 121; Denison: Rustico
Shoulder/arm pain: November/December

Jigsaw puzzles with Betty: fall winter spring
Austin, December 11-17: Drivers License, Dear Evan Hansen
PT for shoulder pain: December/January
Wonderful Christmas with Brooklyn: Iced Cookies, TV, puzzles, Lego
Wore heart monitor
Volunteered NYE Opening Night: Art Museum
Doge Nitro repairs: 12-26 - 1-7
Jigsaw puzzles with Betty: winter spring
Decided to get new/used car, checked online, dealers
Bought 2019 Toyota Rav4: January 13, 2020
Austin, January 24-28: Hello Dolly, Driver's License
Consulted with President Patti, Park design, UCO: Feb/March

Mike Bloomberg rally, Judge Judy: Febuary 8
Austin: Febuary 21-24: Come From Away, Vote Dem Primary

Eye hemorrhage ER: March 4-10
Covid: Quasi-Isolation: March 11 - May 6
    Only necessary trips, to go food and overtip, piddled. walked Brooklyn, visited with neighbors
Chest CT Scan: 5mm nodule, unchanged, March 24
Install BBall; Celia, Betty: April 5
Develop Covid Case, sanitizer, wipes, mask, water bottle, April 17
Covid: Restore coffee and lunch with friends (outdoor guidelines): May 6
    Gym opened: May 9
    Shake hands: May 18
    Sat inside Panera: May 19
    Made Face Mask: May 25-26
    Made Face Shield: May 29-30
Received Car title: June 6
Received, mounted license plates: June 8
Reserved Tesla CyberTruck: June 18

Helped Celia & wandering Larena: June 18-19
Remodeled Lego Old Pub: June 10-19, June 22-28
Brooklyn dew claw break/remove outer: June 23-30
Had trees trimmed: June 30
Met with Financial Advisor: July 6
Test drove Tesla X: July 7, Southlake; Bonnie & Clyde marker, Solana
Ordered new Model X online: July 8; completed application: July 11

Installed We Believe yard sign: July 27
Perused used X inventory: August 8; Ordered used X: August 15
Approved trade-in offer, finalized all submissions, canceled new X order, made payment: August 27
Consulting, traffic flow layouts: Bolder Adventure Park: August 27 - September 7
Last tank of gas: Sunday August 30, 2020, 5:06p
Delivered Toyota, picked up Tesla X, Plano TX: Monday, August 31, 12n
Will Rogers WPA Gardens, 66 Overholser bridge, Yukon, El Reno: Iron Tree coffee, Wendy's: September 13
Leaky pipe, water off; replacement: September 10, 17, 21, 24-25
Dechromed: September 18-19, October 3-4
Painted wheels dark gray: October 9
Austin, October 14-18: Vote with Brooklyn, First EV road trip

Ice storm - tree loss, power out, tv/internet out: October 26 - November 5
• Mon 26: gym, shop; sleet, iced trees
• Tue 27: iced trees; 2:00: pop, flash, smoke, fire; power out; Betty: dinner, lantern & bkfst, sleep in cold
• Wen 28: put food outside, clear driveway; Betty/Ruth: lunch; Jeopardy, dinner; setup office bed
• Thu 29: CFA: bkfst, Mitch Park charge test; elect assess; read, office sleep
• Fri 30: CFA: bkfst; elect 12:30-2:00, del taco, traffic, Mitch, power on; move; clean house office
    Power outage: 3+ days Tu 10a - Fr 2p
    Refrigerator outage: 11 days: Oct 27 - Nov 7
    Internet/TV outage: 9 days Oct 27 - Nov 5
    Trees trimmed and stacked: Oct 31 - Nov 2
Election day: November 3
Trump Nightmare begins to end, Biden/Harris elected: November 7

Fixed fence damage, Saturday, November 21
Submitted Brooklyn swab for test: November 27
Bought Apple Watch: December 1
Austin, Brooklyn, dented car at Kumbak's: December 8-12
Brooklyn x-ray of leg: arthritis/discomfort from broken knee cap: December 30
Assembled Ultimate Tablet Grip with ball and handle: January 3
Trump mob attack on Capitol: January 6
Repaired car rear dent: January 13-20
Trump leaves DC, Biden Inauguration: January 20
Covid Vaccination 1: Febuary 4

Polar vortex, snow, ice, bitter cold: Febuary 10-18; Above: Monday Feb 15 high temps
Covid Vaccination 2: March 5
Austin, Brooklyn limp, April 10-15
Air Titanium glasses, April 8 - May 19
New York City, May 6-10: masks, Ace Hotel, MoMA, BPC, Governor's Island
Austin & Kerrville, June 10-14: Donna, Johnny, museums, no car AC

Won ALTNRG Grand Prize - $8,000 Powerwall, June 15; Traded prize for a cup of coffee
SC fixed AC (had low-slung Tesla loaner), June 17-23
Benjamin born: Erin & Jimmy, 10:55p June 24
Brooklyn blood work shows a heart issue: July 12
Olympics recordings: July 23 - August 8
Brooklyn heart valves: ECG July 29; Meds and diet start July 31
Spilled Panera drink, new Macbook (5 hrs on phone: busted): August 3-7; Refund: August 9
Brooklyn check-up: Improved: August 13
Bought Tempurpedic mattress: August 25, Delivered September 2
Rearrange house den
   Demo half of Sofa Units, Corb Lounge to TV, Sept 4-5
   Tripod lamp, Sept 16
   Noguchi table, Sept 23
   Pavilion & Petit Cube chairs (from Austin), demo remaining Sofa Units, October 1
Brooklyn check-up: Improved: September 27
Austin, September 28-30: Get chairs for 424, museum, Tom
Refreshed website: Great ideas, Good ideas, Design blog: October 8-11

Alzheimers Walk, Joanie, Lee: October 23
Covid Vaccination 3: October 25

AFib episode: November 9-12; ER: Cardioversion fail, Multaq
Tues 10a: CVHC: pickup pills, gym 11a: arrhythmia, sit, Zio's, home. Thurs: Lowes, Integris ER: 10p: ECG, meds, call Jo re Brooklyn pills, 3p: Cardioversion 200 & 360 jol, both failed; xray, Dr Mau visit, wait, 7p (8 hours no food): to room 304, eat, sleep. Fri: tests, breakfast, Dr Mau discharge, Jo visit with coffee, dress, clean room; discharge (4.5 hour wait), drive to Brooklyn.
AFib 2009-2021

Dallas, Austin, December 19-25: Jimmy, Erin, Benjamin; Brooklyn

Snow, no ice, no outages: Febuary 2-5
Carpet office, orange & grey tiles: Febuary 7-10
Lawrence, Febuary 12-14: Super Bowl

First Self-Drive, I-35 Emporia-Perry: Febuary 14
Ice thunderstorm: small pellets, no outages, housebound: Febuary 23-26
Carpet office bathroom, grey tiles: Febuary 23-25
Austin, April 4-10: Tesla Giga
West Oklahoma, April 17: Watonga: P food, Main St, Ferguson house, motels; Thomas: Main, P food; Weatherford: swosu, Lucille's ; Pony bridge, hwy 66
Covid Vaccination 4: June 1
New York City, June 13-17: Edison Hotel, Rise, Summit, Hadestown, MoMA
Joanie's Lola gets bloat, dies: July 19
Brooklyn heart ultrasound: Stable, stay on meds & diet, August 22
Brooklyn checkup: Stable, stay on meds & diet, August 31
Covid/Flu Vaccination 5: September 14
Austin, October 4-8
Said goodbye to Betty while holding her hand: Wensday October 12
Betty died, age 91: Monday, October 17
Hadestown: OKC, October 28
Austin, November 9-11
Brooklyn osteoarfritis injections: December 15 - January 9
Dallas, Benjamin: December 23-26
Changed permanent address to Oklahoma: Driver's Licence, Voter Reg, Car registration and plates.
MJOK to Physical Therapy: January
Watch Schitt's Creek
Smart TV, Hulu, Apple, Disney, Cox locals: Febuary
Knee pain, Patella Tendonitis: Febuary 27
Nora Hughes memorial service, Zoom Austin: March 19
Austin, March 20-24
Watch Ted Lasso
New York City, 3 shows: April 12-17
Brooklyn checkup: stable, back on heart meds: May 25
Brooklyn diarrhea: off heart meds, better food: June 19
Shawnee: mjok, craft fair, county museum, Hamburger King, tornado damage, Mabee-Gerrer, Grand: June 19
Decided to not seek editor/publisher; less stress to produce; consolidate stories: July17-19
Sold hot tub (poor service): August 4-14
ATT fiber optic, local antenna
Watch Only Murders in the Building
Senior Expo, RSVP: October 19
Medication for depression: October 27
Axonic bladder trial, failed: November 6-9
Thanksgiving serve, City Care: November 23

Volunteer: Guest Services, City Care: November - December
Volunteer: Homeless Alliance: December
Catch and release 4 mice: December 19-23
"I don't do Christmas" no guilt, nice normal day
Brooklyn diarrhea improved: October
Volunteer: Guest Services, City Care: January - December
Friday pm 1-12 & Saturday am 1-13: 4.4 earthquakes
Brooklyn Sunday 1-14-22: slipped on icy porch and fell onto the big rock.
   Slipped/fell on flooor, porch steps, jumping up onto the bed
Tuesday 23, 5:30p: Brooklyn goes to sleep in the back of my car
Wensday 31: Picked up Brooklyn's ashes
Austin, January 31 - Febuary 6
Houston, Galveston, Febuary 22-27: Skyscape, Surf, Strand
Tishomingo, Choctaw Casino, Denison, March 17-18
Great American Eclipse: Monday, April 8

Tucumcari, Las Vegas, Santa Fe: April 18-23
Walton: May 19-20: Crystal Bridges
New York City, Margaritaville: May 28 - June1
Resolve election candidates: June 3-5
Shower redesign: Interview/hire contractor: June17-24
Austin, Ft Worth: Clean, prep condo for showing: June 28 -July 3
Condo MLS listing is active: Zillow, Seaholm bulletin: July 2
Austin, Ft Worth, move clothes, dishes, stuff to Edmond; charity picks up furniture: August 26-29
Stopped Eliquis: September 7, 2024
Heart monitor implant: September 10
Foster NOLA: October 3; application, emails and texts, site visit, weekend bonding and training
Adopt Nola: October 21
Shower installation: October 23-27
Volunteer: RSVP, logo: January
Purge laundry, storeroom
Foster Eddie: Febuary 23
Knee pain severe: January - Febuary
Volunteer: Food Pantry: Febuary
Adopt Eddie: March
Volunteer: Night Shelter
