A few design projects done while at Richland College
While in Grad School at UNT, I worked at a Dallas County Community College in the Graphic Design office from
1982-87. It was a close group of 3 Designers, a Photographer, and a Supervisor. We turned out a large number of projects for the faculty, staff, and administration of the college.

Concept for a Class Schedule cover
Before catalogs and course schedules went online, each university would print booklets listing all the semester course offerings and their meeting days and times.
The concept for this schedule cover was to include all the pertient infomation - that took up mutiple pages inside - on the front abd back covers. This allowed easier access and navigation and saved on printing costs (less paper). For the comp, I hand lettered all the copy and hand-inked the map.

Sketch for Campus Directory
Above & below: Quick and rough sketches of concepts for fliers and covers
Right: Casey Shaw and Dianna Koslowski. Others: Larry Howard, Susan Russell, Kathy, Phyllis, and LeighAnne.
